Expressing The Same Opinion Using Rejoinders

Expressing The Same Opinion Using Rejoinders

1. Rejoinders may be used to express the same or a similar opinion.

2. If the initial statement is affirmative the following forms may be used in the rejoinder.

     a. So   +    is/are/am         +       (Subject)




     b. (Subject)   +   helping verb   +    , too.

 3. If the initial statements is negative, the following forms may be used:

     a. Neither   +   is/are/am     +     (Subject)

         Nor              do/does


                             helping verb


     b. (Subject)   +   isn't/haven't    +    , either



                                negative helping verb


Study the following mini-dialogues which express a similar opinion.

A: I don't approve of abortion.
B: Neither do I.
C: I don't either.

A: I think the fetus has the right to be born.
B: So do I.
C. I do, too.

A: Abortion is anti-life.
B. So is euthanasia.
C: Violence is, too.

A: Hitmen are not concerned about the families of their victims.
B: Nor are terrorists.
C: Kidnappers aren't either.

A: Hitmen have killed their victims without batting a eyelash.
B: So have terrorists.
C: Kidnappers have, too.

A: Hitmen have no qualms of conscience over their slayings.
B: Neither have terrorists.
C: Kidnappers have none either.