Sample Reading Selection With Comprehension Questions

Sample Reading Selection With Comprehension Questions 

If we look back at man's achievements through the years, we will find a number of earthshaking phenomena that have brought about drastic changes in our lifestyle and values as well. One such phenomenon was the industrial revolution.

In the field of work, the industrial revolution meant mas production where goods were produced in large quantities and production time as cut in half. This resulted, on the one hand, in the constant supply of goods at a lower cost; but on the other hand, it also meant that there should be a corresponding demand for the goods to warrant production. As a result, goods were made not to last long in order that there would be a constant demand for them. Quality. therefore, gave way to quantity, and we, the buying public, became a throw-away society since there was so much to be had at affordable price anyway.

The industrial revolution also introduced the assembly-line type of production where work assignments were compartmentalized and specialization in specific phases of the job become the standard procedure to follow. This meant that no single worker worked on one item for start to finish. While it is true that the worker did become quite efficient in his job, he was nonetheless reduced to a mere cog in the wheel of industry and so a number found fulfillment in their work which had become so mechanical.

Another earthshaking phenomenon which came as an offshoot of industrialization was urbanization. Persons in search of work flocked to the industrial sites where factories were located. In  time these developed into cities. The flocking to urban areas resulted in overcrowding which in turn gave rise to problems of housing and sanitation. With the exodus of more and more people from rural areas to the cities, the congestion became more and more acute and when the industries were no longer able to absorb into their workforce all the persons searching for a job, unemployment rose and slum areas and squatter communities mushroomed. These eventually turned into hotbeds of  crime as the unemployed resorted to illegal means to keep body and soul together.

Notwithstanding all of these, industrialization has spelled progress, at least materially. Industrialized nations boom with industries and infrastructure, such as tall buildings, paved roads, etc, to show as proof of their affluence.

In fact, nowadays, industrialization is equated with development. Most, if not all of the developing Third Word nations are still on their way to industrialization. Industrialization, therefore, means material progress but there is a price to be paid.

Comprehending the Selection

1. What is the objective all bout?

2. What is the objective of the writer?

    a. to entertain

    b. to call to a situation

    c. convince

3. What is stand of the writer towards the topic? How can you tell?

    a. in favor of it

    b. against it

    c. neutral

4. What does the writer do to attain his objectives?

    a. show similarities and differences

    b. enumerate the ill effects

    c. cite examples

    d. define industrialization