Examining the Intersection of Race and Mathematics through a Critical Race Theory Lens

Examining the Intersection of Race and Mathematics through a Critical Race Theory Lens

Critical race theory is an academic movement and approach to examining and addressing issues of race and racism. It is interdisciplinary, drawing from fields such as law, sociology, education, and political science. It is also an approach that incorporates a critical analysis of power dynamics and the ways in which race and racism intersect with other forms of oppression, such as class, gender, and sexual orientation.

Critical race theory

One way in which critical race theory has been applied to the field of mathematics is in the examination of the ways in which mathematical knowledge and practices have been used to uphold and reinforce systems of racial inequality. This can include the ways in which certain mathematical concepts and practices have been used to justify discriminatory policies and practices, or the ways in which the history of mathematics has been whitewashed to exclude the contributions and perspectives of people of color.

One example of this is the way in which the standardized testing system has been used to justify and perpetuate racial segregation in schools. Standardized tests are often used to determine which schools a student can attend, and these tests have been shown to be biased against students of color. This has led to a perpetuation of segregation in schools, as students of color are more likely to attend schools with fewer resources and lower-quality education.

Another example is the way in which the history of mathematics has been told in a way that ignores the contributions and perspectives of people of color. This can include the exclusion of the contributions of ancient civilizations, such as those in Africa and the Middle East, as well as the contributions of mathematicians of color in more recent history. This exclusion reinforces the idea that mathematics is a domain primarily for white people, and can discourage students of color from pursuing careers in mathematics.

By incorporating a critical race theory approach to mathematics education and research, we can work to address these issues and create a more inclusive and equitable mathematical community. This can include the incorporation of a more diverse range of mathematical knowledge and perspectives, as well as the examination of the ways in which mathematics has been used to uphold systems of oppression. So, critical race theory helps us to recognize and challenge the ways in which mathematics has been used to perpetuate inequality, and to work towards a more just and equitable mathematical community.