Criteria and Point System for Hiring to Teacher I Positions

Criteria and Point System for Hiring to Teacher I Positions

Are you interested in becoming a Teacher I in the Philippines? If so, you need to know the criteria and point system that the Department of Education (DepEd) uses to select and hire teacher applicants for Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School levels.

Criteria and Point System for Hiring to Teacher I Positions

In this blog post, I will explain the different criteria and how they are scored, as well as some tips on how to prepare for the application process.

According to DepEd Order No. 22, s. 2023, the criteria and point system for hiring to Teacher I positions are based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), which define the competencies and performance indicators expected of teachers at different career stages.

The criteria and point system cover the following aspects:

  • Education units and/or degree relevant to the position to be filled
  • Training hours in Curriculum and Instruction and/or other specialized training for skills development in fields related to the work, duties, and responsibilities for Teacher I
  • Experience in Teaching or relevant industry and/or work experience
  • Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET), Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), or Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT) Rating
  • PPST Classroom Observable Indicators (COIs) measured through Classroom Observation/Demonstration Teaching
  • PPST Non-Classroom Observable Indicators (NCOIs) measured through the Teacher Reflection Form (TRF)

The maximum points for each criterion are shown in the table below:

CriteriaMaximum Points

The points for each criterion are computed based on the applicant’s qualifications that exceed the minimum requirements as defined in the Civil Service Commission (CSC)-approved Qualification Standards (QS). Only those qualifications that are relevant to the position to be filled are given points.

How to Compute the Points for Each Criterion


The points for education are computed using the Increments Table and the Rubrics for Computation of Points for Education, Training, and Experience (ETE). The Increments Table shows the number of units or degrees that correspond to a certain increment. The Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE shows the points for each increment and the weight allocation for each level of education.

For example, if you have a Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) degree with a major in Mathematics, which is relevant to the position of Teacher I for Mathematics in Senior High School, you have 18 units that exceed the minimum requirement of 120 units for a bachelor’s degree. According to the Increments Table, 18 units correspond to Increment 2. According to the Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE, Increment 2 has 1.5 points for the bachelor’s degree level, which has a weight allocation of 0.8. Therefore, your points for education are:

Points(Education) = 1.5 x 0.8 = 1.2


The points for training are computed using the same Increments Table and Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE as education. The Increments Table shows the number of hours of training that correspond to a certain increment. The Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE shows the points for each increment and the weight allocation for each level of training.

For example, if you have attended a 40-hour training on Curriculum and Instruction, which is relevant to the position of Teacher I for any level, you have 40 hours that exceed the minimum requirement of 24 hours for training. According to the Increments Table, 40 hours correspond to Increment 2. According to the Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE, Increment 2 has 1.5 points for the training level, which has a weight allocation of 0.2. Therefore, your points for training are:

Points(Training) = 1.5 x 0.2 = 0.3


The points for experience are computed using the same Increments Table and Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE as education and training. The Increments Table shows the number of years of experience that correspond to a certain increment. The Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE shows the points for each increment and the weight allocation for each level of experience.

For example, if you have 3 years of teaching experience, which is relevant to the position of Teacher I for any level, you have 3 years that exceed the minimum requirement of 1 year for experience. According to the Increments Table, 3 years correspond to Increment 3. According to the Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE, Increment 3 has 2 points for the experience level, which has a weight allocation of 0.2. Therefore, your points for experience are:

Points(Experience) = 2 x 0.2 = 0.4


The points for the PBET/LET/LEPT rating are computed using the formula below. This formula also applies to Senior High School applicants who may not have passed the PBET/LET/LEPT but may be appointed under provisional status, provided they submit a Certificate of Rating.


where WA(PBET/LET/LEPT) is the weight allocation for the PBET/LET/LEPT rating, which is 10.

For example, if you have a PBET/LET/LEPT rating of 85, your points for the PBET/LET/LEPT rating are:

Points(PBET/LET/LEPT) = (85 x 10)/100 = 8.5


The points for the PPST COIs are computed based on the applicant’s performance in the classroom observation/demonstration teaching using the Classroom Observation Tool for Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (COT-RSP). The COT-RSP focuses on Levels 2 to 6 of the COT Rubric to capture good performance in the Beginning towards Proficient career stage.

The COT-RSP has seven domains, each with a set of indicators. Each indicator is rated on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 is the lowest and 6 is the highest. The ratings for each indicator are summed up to get the total score for each domain. The total scores for each domain are then multiplied by the weight allocation for each domain to get the weighted score for each domain. The weighted scores for each domain are then summed up to get the total score for the PPST COIs.

The weight allocation for each domain is shown in the table below:

DomainWeight Allocation
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy0.15
Learning Environment0.15
Diversity of Learners0.15
Curriculum and Planning0.10
Assessment and Reporting0.10
Community Linkages and Professional Engagement0.10
Personal Growth and Professional Development0.15

For example, if you have the following ratings for each indicator in each domain, your points for the PPST COIs are:

Content Knowledge and Pedagogy1. Demonstrates knowledge of the curriculum, subject content and pedagogical theory5
2. Demonstrates knowledge of the learning needs of students4
3. Demonstrates knowledge of the content standards and the teaching standards4
4. Demonstrates knowledge of the assessment standards and the assessment process4
5. Demonstrates knowledge of the language policy and the language proficiency standards4
Total Score21
Learning Environment1. Creates a learning environment that reflects diversity and inclusivity4
2. Establishes a culture of learning that develops positive relationships and rapport5
3. Manages classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities5
4. Manages learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused environments4
5. Utilizes ICT resources including assistive technologies to create meaningful learning experiences4
Total Score22
Diversity of Learners1. Designs, develops, and delivers learning experiences that are responsive to the language, culture, and ethnic diversity of learners4
2. Designs, develops, and delivers learning experiences that are appropriate to the learning needs of learners4
3. Designs, develops, and delivers learning experiences that are gender sensitive, inclusive, and respectful of human rights4
4. Designs, develops, and delivers learning experiences that address the varied learning styles and multiple intelligences of learners4
5. Designs, develops, and delivers learning experiences that are differentiated according to the readiness, interests, and abilities of learners4
Total Score20
Curriculum and Planning1. Demonstrates understanding of the curriculum framework, content standards, and performance standards4
2. Selects appropriate teaching strategies, learning activities, and instructional materials or resources based on the curriculum standards and the needs and diversity of learners4
3. Designs and implements assessment tools and procedures that are aligned with the curriculum standards and varied levels of student learning4
4. Utilizes results of assessment to improve teaching and learning4
5. Integrates cross-cutting themes and 21st century skills in planning, teaching, and assessing4
Total Score20
Assessment and Reporting1. Communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents, and other stakeholders the assessment criteria, processes, and results4
2. Provides descriptive feedback to guide and improve learning4
3. Uses a variety of assessment methods to monitor and evaluate learning4
4. Records, analyzes, and interprets individual and class progress and performance4
5. Reports regularly and accurately on learner progress and performance4
Total Score20
Community Linkages and Professional Engagement1. Establishes learning environments that respond to the aspirations and needs of the community4
2. Collaborates with colleagues, parents, and other stakeholders to enrich teaching and learning experiences for learners4
3. Engages in research and/or contributes to the knowledge base of teaching and learning4
4. Participates in school improvement programs4
5. Demonstrates professionalism, social responsibility, and ethical conduct4
Total Score20
Personal Growth and Professional Development1. Reflects on the quality of own teaching practice and identifies areas for improvement4
2. Pursues continuing professional development to enhance knowledge and skills4
3. Sets goals and plans actions for improvement4
4. Applies new learning to improve teaching practice4
5. Shares best practices and learnings with colleagues and other stakeholders4
Total Score20

The total score for the PPST COIs is the sum of the weighted scores for each domain. For example, if you have the following weighted scores for each domain, your total score for the PPST COIs is:

DomainWeighted Score
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy21 x 0.15 = 3.15
Learning Environment22 x 0.15 = 3.30
Diversity of Learners20 x 0.15 = 3.00
Curriculum and Planning20 x 0.10 = 2.00
Assessment and Reporting20 x 0.10 = 2.00
Community Linkages and Professional Engagement20 x 0.10 = 2.00
Personal Growth and Professional Development20 x 0.15 = 3.00

The points for the PPST COIs are computed by multiplying the total score by the weight allocation for the PPST COIs, which is 35. Therefore, your points for the PPST COIs are:

Points(PPST COIs) = 18.45 x 35 = 645.75


The points for the PPST NCOIs are computed based on the applicant’s narrative and reflection using the Teacher Reflection Form (TRF). The TRF has four sections, each with a set of questions. Each section is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest. The ratings for each section are summed up to get the total score for the PPST NCOIs.

The weight allocation for each section is shown in the table below:

SectionWeight Allocation
Section 1: Teaching Context0.10
Section 2: Teaching Practice0.30
Section 3: Teaching Impact0.30
Section 4: Teaching Goals0.30

For example, if you have the following ratings for each section in the TRF, your points for the PPST NCOIs are:

Section 1: Teaching Context4
Section 2: Teaching Practice4
Section 3: Teaching Impact4
Section 4: Teaching Goals4
Total Score16

The points for the PPST NCOIs are computed by multiplying the total score by the weight allocation for the PPST NCOIs, which is 25. Therefore, your points for the PPST NCOIs are:

Points(PPST NCOIs) = 16 x 25 = 400

How to Prepare for the Application Process

To increase your chances of getting hired as a Teacher I, you need to prepare well for the application process. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Review your academic records and training certificates and make sure they are relevant to the position you are applying for. If possible, take additional units or courses that will enhance your knowledge and skills in your chosen field.
  • Gather your documents and requirements and submit them on time to the Schools Division Office (SDO) where you intend to apply. Make sure your documents are complete, accurate, and authentic. Follow the guidelines and format prescribed by the DepEd.
  • Study for the PBET/LET/LEPT and aim for a high rating. Review the coverage and scope of the exam and practice answering sample questions. You can also enroll in a review center or join a study group to help you prepare.
  • Prepare for the classroom observation/demonstration teaching and the teacher reflection. Familiarize yourself with the PPST and the COT-RSP and the TRF. Choose a lesson plan that showcases your content knowledge, pedagogy, and assessment skills. Practice delivering your lesson in front of a mirror, a friend, or a mentor. Reflect on your strengths and areas for improvement as a teacher and write them down in the TRF.
  • Prepare for the behavioral events interview and the skills or work sample test. Anticipate the possible questions and scenarios that the interviewers may ask you and think of how you would respond. Demonstrate your potential, character, and fitness as a teacher. For the skills or work sample test, showcase your creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills in performing a task or producing a product related to your field.

Becoming a Teacher I in the Philippines is not easy, but it is rewarding. You need to meet the criteria and point system set by the DepEd and pass the various assessments that measure your competencies and performance as a teacher. You also need to prepare well for the application process and show your passion and dedication for teaching.

I hope this blog post has helped you understand the criteria and point system for hiring to Teacher I positions and how to prepare for the application process. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and good luck with your application!


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