Download a Copy of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Guiding Principles for Educators


Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future citizens of our nation. As duly licensed professionals, they carry the responsibility of imparting knowledge, instilling values, and nurturing young minds. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers serves as a compass, guiding educators toward ethical conduct, moral integrity, and excellence in their practice.

Download a Copy of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

1. Scope and Limitations

  • The Code applies to all teachers in educational institutions across the Philippines, whether in public or private schools.
  • It covers teachers at all levels, from preschool to secondary education.
  • The term “teacher” encompasses not only classroom educators but also those performing supervisory and administrative functions.

2. The Teacher and the State

  • Custodians of Heritage: Teachers are trustees of our cultural and educational heritage. They must transmit this heritage to learners, elevate national morality, and cultivate love of country.
  • Oath of Allegiance: Every teacher takes an oath to actively help carry out the declared policies of the state.
  • Physical, Mental, and Moral Fitness: Teachers must be physically, mentally, and morally fit to fulfill their duties.
  • Commitment and Devotion: A teacher’s commitment to duty should be unwavering.
  • Political Neutrality: Teachers refrain from promoting any political, religious, or partisan interests. They do not solicit money or services for such purposes.
  • Constitutional Rights: Teachers exercise their constitutional rights, including voting.
  • Avoiding Coercion: Teachers do not use their position to coerce others into political actions.
  • Academic Freedom: Teachers enjoy academic freedom, allowing them to share research findings while respecting state policies.

3. Upholding Professionalism

  • Integrity: Teachers uphold honesty, transparency, and trustworthiness.
  • Professional Competence: Teachers continuously develop their technical and professional skills.
  • Respect: Teachers treat students, colleagues, and parents with respect and dignity.
  • Fairness: Teachers ensure fairness in assessments, evaluations, and interactions.
  • Responsibility: Teachers fulfill their responsibilities diligently.
  • Avoiding Conflict of Interest: Teachers avoid situations where personal interests conflict with professional duties.
  • Confidentiality: Teachers safeguard confidential information.

4. Nurturing Learners

  • Holistic Development: Teachers nurture the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth of learners.
  • Inclusivity: Teachers respect diversity and create an inclusive learning environment.
  • Safety and Well-Being: Teachers prioritize the safety and well-being of students.
  • Positive Role Models: Teachers exemplify positive behavior and values.
  • Promoting Lifelong Learning: Teachers encourage curiosity and a love for learning.


The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers is not merely a set of rules; it is a commitment to shaping the future. As educators, let us embrace these principles, inspire our students, and contribute to a better society.

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers