How to Celebrate the Holy Week with a March 28-31 Long Weekend as a DepEd Teacher

How to Celebrate the Holy Week with a March 28-31 Long Weekend as a DepEd Teacher

Hello, fellow teachers! As you may already know, we have a special opportunity to celebrate the holy week this year, thanks to the observance of Maundy Thursday (March 28), Good Friday (March 29), and the previous presidential proclamation that declared Wednesday (March 27) as a half-day work. This means we have four and a half days of spiritual reflection and renewal ahead of us. How wonderful!

How to Celebrate the Holy Week with a March 28-31 Long Weekend as a DepEd Teacher

But how can we make the most of this rare chance to deepen our faith and devotion? Here are some tips and suggestions on how to celebrate the holy week with a March 27-31 long weekend as a DepEd teacher.

Attend the Services

The first and most important way to celebrate the holy week is to attend the services that commemorate the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These include the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday, the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, and the Easter Sunday Mass. These services are rich in symbolism, rituals, and readings that remind us of the core of our Christian faith.

You can attend these services at your local parish, or join online livestreams if you prefer. You can also participate in other devotional practices such as the Stations of the Cross, the Holy Rosary, or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. These will help you meditate on the mysteries of Christ’s life and love for us.

Do Some Charity

The second way to celebrate the holy week is to do some charity and share your blessings with others. As teachers, we have a special role in shaping the minds and hearts of our students. We can use this opportunity to teach them the values of compassion, generosity, and service. We can also reach out to our colleagues, friends, family, and neighbors who may need our help or support.

You can do some charity by donating to a cause, volunteering for a project, or simply offering a kind word or a listening ear. You can also join or organize activities that promote social justice, peace, and solidarity. These will help you follow the example of Christ, who came not to be served, but to serve.

Relax and Recharge

The third way to celebrate the holy week is to relax and recharge your body, mind, and soul. As teachers, we often have a lot of stress and pressure from our work and responsibilities. We need to take care of ourselves and find some balance and harmony. We also need to appreciate the gifts and joys that God has given us.

You can relax and recharge by doing something that makes you happy, calm, or inspired. You can read a book, watch a movie, listen to music, or play a game. You can also do some physical activities such as yoga, hiking, or swimming. You can also spend some quality time with your loved ones, or enjoy some solitude and silence. These will help you refresh your energy, clear your mind, and nourish your soul.


The holy week is a special time for us as Christians and as teachers. It is a time to remember the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ, to share our love and kindness with others, and to restore our well-being and gratitude. Let us make the most of this March 27-31 long weekend and celebrate the holy week with joy and faith. God bless you all!

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