What is the use of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees in the Philippines?

What is the use of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees in the Philippines?

The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, or Republic Act No. 6713, is a law that was enacted in 1989 to promote a high standard of ethics in public service. The law aims to uphold the principle of public office being a public trust, and to ensure that public officials and employees act with responsibility, integrity, competence, loyalty, patriotism, justice, modesty, and public interest.

What is the use of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees in the Philippines?

The law defines the terms and concepts related to ethics in public service, such as government, public officials, gift, loan, conflict of interest, divestment, and relatives. The law also establishes the norms of conduct that public officials and employees must follow, such as:

  • Commitment to public interest. Public officials and employees must always put the common good above their personal interest, and avoid any situation that may compromise their impartiality, independence, or integrity.
  • Professionalism. Public officials and employees must perform their duties with the highest degree of excellence, intelligence, skill, and diligence, and respect the rights and opinions of others.
  • Justness and sincerity. Public officials and employees must act with honesty, fairness, and good faith in all their dealings, and refrain from any act of corruption, favoritism, or oppression.
  • Political neutrality. Public officials and employees must provide service to everyone without discrimination, and without being influenced by political affiliation, preference, or pressure.
  • Responsiveness to the public. Public officials and employees must extend prompt, courteous, and adequate service to the public, and be open to suggestions and feedback.
  • Nationalism and patriotism. Public officials and employees must uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land, and be loyal to the Republic of the Philippines and the Filipino people.
  • Commitment to democracy. Public officials and employees must support and promote the democratic principles and values of the government, and respect the rights of the people to participate in governance.
  • Simple living. Public officials and employees must lead modest lives that are appropriate to their positions and income, and avoid ostentatious display of wealth, power, or influence.

The law also provides incentives and rewards for exemplary service, such as recognition, citation, promotion, scholarship, or other forms of benefits. The law also enumerates prohibited acts and transactions that public officials and employees must avoid, such as:

  • Financial and material interest. Public officials and employees must not have any direct or indirect financial or material interest in any transaction or contract with the government, or in any franchise, privilege, or license granted by the government.
  • Outside employment and other activities. Public officials and employees must not engage in any outside employment or business activity that may conflict with their official functions, or use their public office for private gain or advantage.
  • Disclosure and/or misuse of confidential information. Public officials and employees must not disclose or use any confidential or classified information that they acquired by reason of their office, or allow any unauthorized person to access such information.
  • Solicitation or acceptance of gifts. Public officials and employees must not solicit or accept any gift, favor, or benefit that may influence their official actions, decisions, or judgments, or that may be perceived as a bribe, payoff, or kickback.
  • Nepotism. Public officials and employees must not appoint, employ, promote, or advance any relative within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to any position in the government, or recommend or endorse any such relative to any other public official or employee.

The law also provides penalties for violations of the code of conduct and ethical standards, such as suspension, dismissal, forfeiture of benefits, disqualification from public office, or imprisonment. The law also mandates the creation of a Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI) in every government agency or office, which shall receive and investigate complaints against public officials and employees, and recommend appropriate actions.

The use of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees is to ensure that public service is conducted with the highest degree of morality, integrity, and efficiency, and to prevent and punish any act of corruption, abuse, or misconduct in the government. The law also aims to foster a culture of ethics and accountability in the public sector, and to enhance the trust and confidence of the people in their public servants.

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