Republic Act No. 11291: Magna Carta of the Poor

Republic Act No. 11291: Magna Carta of the Poor

The Republic Act No. 11291, also known as the Magna Carta of the Poor, is a landmark legislation principally authored by Senator Loren Legarda. The Act is designed to uplift the lives of Filipinos living in poverty, providing them with sustained opportunities for growth and development.

The law guarantees five fundamental rights to Filipinos living in poverty:

  • Right to adequate food
  • Right to decent work
  • Right to relevant and quality education
  • Right to adequate housing
  • Right to the highest attainable standard of health

The government is mandated to establish a system for the “progressive realization” of these rights, working towards ensuring everyone has the opportunity to fulfill these basic needs.

The law also requires the government to implement a social protection system. This system should provide Filipinos in poverty with social safety nets, social insurance, social services, and access to the labor market.

The Magna Carta emphasizes empowering Filipinos living in poverty. The goal is to provide them with the tools and resources they need to improve their own lives.

Furthermore, the law encourages participation from the private sector in poverty alleviation efforts. This could involve businesses creating jobs or investing in communities.

The primary beneficiaries of the Magna Carta of the Poor are Filipinos whose income falls below the poverty threshold defined by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). The Act promotes inclusive progress by supporting those unable to consistently meet their basic needs for food, health, education, and housing, enabling full participation in the country’s development.

For more information, visit Senator Loren Legarda’s official website.