An 18-year-old resident participant, known as Mark, voiced his contentment with the training, asserting that the abilities he gained would be advantageous after his departure from the rehabilitation center. Mark, who confessed to car theft, intends to further enhance his learning from the training by pursuing a course in automotive servicing.
April 19, 2024 - A group of 25 children in conflict with the law (CICL), currently residing at the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) Regional Rehabilitation for Children and Youth (RRCY), have been awarded training certificates from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)-Region 2. The certificates were presented in a graduation ceremony held on Thursday, April 18.

The certificates are the result of a 15-day training program conducted by TESDA-Region 2 from March 11 to April 3 in Barangay Roma Norte, Enrile town. The program provided the participants with knowledge and skills on Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing. The participants will soon be awarded their respective National Certificate Level II (NC-II).
Rommel Gamiao, the head of DSWD-RRCY, stated that the training aimed to equip the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills in installing engines properly, disassembling engine parts, and connecting service parts of small engines.
One of the resident participants, ‘alias’ Mark, 18, expressed his satisfaction with the training, stating that the skills he acquired would be beneficial once he leaves the rehabilitation center. Mark, who admitted to having committed car theft, plans to continue enriching his knowledge from the training by enrolling in automotive servicing.
Another resident participant, ‘alias’ Kerwin, 20, shared his joy when the machine he fixed worked for the first time. Kerwin, who has been at the center for four years, expressed hope for his acquittal from the rape case he was accused of. He shared that the biggest lesson he learned through rehabilitation was strengthening his faith.
The NC II will be awarded to the participants once they pass an assessment to be conducted by TESDA-Region 2.
Present during the graduation ceremony were DSWD Cagayan Valley Field Office Asst. Regional Director for Operations (ARDO) Franco Lopez, RRCY head Rommel Gamiao, Manpower Development Officer II Alfred Queja, Rolando Salvatera, a trainer on Motorcycle and Small Engine Servicing from TESDA-2, and other staff of the RRCY.
The RRCY is a facility designed to provide intensive treatment in a residential setting for the rehabilitation of CICL whose sentences have been suspended. It serves as a nurturing out-of-home placement for children in need of rehabilitation.