Filipino Learner-Researchers Shine at Regeneron ISEF 2024 with Alternative Anti-Parasitic Treatment

Driven by a deep concern for Filipino farmers, learner-researchers from Cebu City National Science High School emerged victorious at the recent Regeneron International Science and Technology Fair (ISEF) 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

Mikaella Rose Emereene D. Macabata, Michaela Ria C. Rentuza, and Wesley N. Secuya bagged the fourth-place award in the Cellular and Molecular Biology category for their research study titled "In vitro and In silico Embryogenesis Inhibition Activity of Ethanolic Extracts of Chico (Manilkara zapota) Bark Against Gastrointestinal Strongyle Eggs."

Their research focused on developing an alternative and plant-based anthelmintic treatment for livestock, addressing the growing issue of resistant parasites caused by the overuse of commercial anthelmintic medications.

"Our research aims to address this issue by finding alternative and plant-based anthelmintics to combat resistant parasites," explained Michaela. "We hope that our research leads to the development of novel anthelmintic treatments for livestock animals which greatly benefits the food security and livelihood of many Filipinos."

Beyond their victory, the trio also valued the opportunity to learn from fellow learner-researchers and experts at ISEF and the Department of Education's (DepEd) National Science and Technology Fair (NSTF) 2024.

"Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds broadened our perspectives and offered insightful knowledge about a range of scientific domains," shared Mikaella. "Experts who volunteered their knowledge and advice on important subjects gave us an extensive amount of information."

Committed to inspiring the next generation of STEM enthusiasts, the three will serve as mentors to the next batch of learner-researchers in their school.

"My message to the youth is that your passion for STEM is the spark that will illuminate the future of our nation," said Wesley. "Your journey in STEM is not just a career path but a noble pursuit that holds the promise of progress and transformation for the Philippines."