How to File a Complaint Against DepEd Personnel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you encountered an issue with a teacher, school staff, or any Department of Education (DepEd) personnel? This blog post will guide you through the process of filing an administrative complaint.

Who Can File a Complaint

This process is open to the general public. If you believe a DepEd employee has acted unprofessionally, you can file a complaint.

What You'll Need

  • Formal Complaint: This document should detail your grievance and be signed under oath. It should also include a statement confirming you haven't filed the complaint elsewhere (non-forum shopping). Make sure you have three copies, with an additional copy for each person you're complaining about.
  • Supporting Evidence: Gather any documentation that strengthens your case, such as emails, witness statements, or photos (optional - 3 copies with additional copies for each respondent).

Where to File

Head to your nearest DepEd Office or Division's Records Section.

The Filing Process

  1. Submit Your Complaint: Present your formal complaint and any supporting documents to the Records Section staff.
  2. Complaint Assessment: The staff will assess your complaint to ensure it meets the requirements outlined in DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2006.
    • Incomplete Complaint: If your complaint lacks necessary information, you'll receive a checklist of missing requirements and guidance on how to proceed.
    • Complete Complaint: If your complaint is complete, the staff will direct you to proceed for processing.
  3. Receipt and Release: The Records Section will stamp a copy of your complaint and return it to you for your reference.

Important Notes

  • There are no fees associated with filing a complaint.
  • The entire process typically takes around 25 minutes.

After Filing

The DepEd will review your complaint and determine the appropriate course of action.

Additional Resources

For more information on DepEd's administrative complaint process, you can refer to DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2006DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2006.

Remember: This blog post serves as a general guide. Specific procedures may vary depending on your location.