DepEd Shakeup: Five Officials Resign as Angara Takes Over

July 19, 2024 - The Department of Education (DepEd) is undergoing a leadership shift as five high-ranking officials tendered their resignations to pave the way for incoming Secretary Juan Edgardo "Sonny" Angara.

Courtesy Resignations

These officials, appointed by former DepEd Secretary and current Vice President Sara Duterte, opted for "courtesy resignations." This is a common practice in the Philippines where appointees from the previous administration resign to give the new leader a free hand in choosing their team.

Who Resigned?

  • Michael Poa, DepEd Undersecretary and Chief of Staff
  • Nolasco Mempin, DepEd Undersecretary for Administration (retired military general)
  • Noel Baluyan, DepEd Assistant Secretary for Administration (retired military general)
  • Reynold Munsayac, DepEd Assistant Secretary for Procurement
  • Sunshine Fajarda, DepEd Assistant Secretary (lawyer)

Reasons for Resignation

While Poa stated it was "appropriate" to give Angara a free hand in choosing his team, he did mention waiting for any potential instructions from Vice President Duterte.

Angara's Take

Angara acknowledges the resignations but hasn't made any concrete decisions regarding the positions. He prioritizes reviewing the official documents before commenting.

Angara's Background

A lawyer by profession, Angara holds an impressive academic background, including degrees from the London School of Economics and Harvard Law School.

Challenges Ahead

Angara inherits a complex education landscape. The Philippines faces low student performance in international assessments, with a World Bank report highlighting difficulties in basic reading skills.

Looking Ahead

This leadership change at DepEd signifies a potential shift in educational policies and programs. Whether Angara retains some of the previous administration's officials or rebuilds his team from scratch remains to be seen. One thing is certain - Angara has a significant challenge in improving the Philippine education system.

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