Married Women and Their Maiden Names: Your Rights in Philippine Banks

Did you know that you can continue using your maiden name even after getting married when dealing with banks and other financial institutions in the Philippines? The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) issued Memorandum Circular No. 2023-04 to remind banks and financial institutions about this right.

The Law is on Your Side

Philippine law, specifically Republic Act No. 386 (Civil Code of the Philippines), gives married women the option to use their maiden name in transactions. The Supreme Court has also consistently upheld this right.

Here's what the law says:

  • You can choose to use a combination of your maiden name and your husband's surname.
  • You can use just your maiden name and surname.
  • You can use your husband's full name with a prefix indicating you're his wife (e.g., Mrs.).

What the PCW Requires from Banks

The PCW requires banks to:

  • Accept your maiden name: Banks cannot force you to use your husband's surname for transactions like opening accounts or applying for loans.
  • Clearly communicate your rights: Banks should update their forms and train staff to inform you that you can use your maiden name.
  • Review internal policies: Banks should ensure their procedures comply with the law and avoid any inconvenience for women using their maiden name.

Why This Matters

This memorandum is a step towards gender equality and respect for women's choices. Using your maiden name allows you to maintain your identity and professional reputation built under that name.

Spread the Word!

Share this information with other women you know. By understanding and exercising your rights, we can create a more inclusive financial system in the Philippines.

For More Information

You can find the full text of the PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2023-04 on the PCW website PCW website.