Teachers to Receive PBB for 2022 and 2023, Salary Increase Likely This Year

July 12, 2024 - The Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) met with Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman on July 11th to discuss several issues concerning educators' benefits and welfare.

Photo Courtesy of Teacher's Dignity Coalition

PBB 2022 Confirmed, Delays Due to DepEd Data Discrepancies

The long-awaited Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for 2022 is confirmed, but the release date hinges on the completion of submissions by DepEd regional offices. Delays are attributed to discrepancies in personnel data, including missing names and double entries. The DBM has returned submissions from eight regions for re-evaluation due to these errors.

EO 61 Suspends RPMS, Review Ongoing

Executive Order 61 has suspended the current performance rating system (RPMS) while a task force conducts a review. The TDC raised concerns about the impact of the "burdensome" RPMS on PBB processing and called for a return to a simpler system like the PAST (Performance Appraisal System for Teachers). The DBM assured the group of ongoing efforts to simplify performance ratings and gather feedback from teachers' organizations.

Salary Increase This Year Under SSL VI

The good news for educators is the confirmation of a salary increase under Salary Standardization Law VI (SSL VI) as part of the 2024 General Appropriations Act (GAA). The increase, awaiting Presidential approval, will be retroactive to January 2024 and is expected to be more substantial than previous adjustments. The TDC, however, argues for basing salary increases on the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers criteria instead of the SSL framework.

Further Discussion on Other Matters

The dialogue also covered other topics like overtime pay, leave benefits, career progression, medical benefits, and teacher allocations. A detailed update on these issues is forthcoming.

Source: Teachers' Dignity Coalition (TDC)