Understanding the K to 12 Grading System of DepEd

In the realm of Philippine education, the K to 12 program introduced significant reforms, one of which is the comprehensive grading system implemented by the Department of Education (DepEd). Designed to align with global educational standards and enhance the learning experience of students, this grading system aims to provide a clearer assessment of student progress and proficiency.

Evolution and Framework

The K to 12 grading system is guided by DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015, which outlines the policies and guidelines for the implementation of the new grading system. It emphasizes a holistic approach to assessment, focusing not only on academic achievements but also on the holistic development of learners.

Key Components:

  1. Standards-Based Framework: The system adopts a standards-based approach to grading, wherein student performance is measured against clearly defined learning standards or competencies. This ensures that assessments are aligned with the curriculum objectives and educational goals set by DepEd.

  2. Comprehensive Assessment: Assessment under the K to 12 grading system includes various types such as formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments are ongoing and provide feedback to both teachers and students to improve learning. Summative assessments, on the other hand, evaluate student learning at the end of a specific instructional period.

  3. Grading Scale: The grading scale consists of numerical values and corresponding descriptors that indicate the level of achievement. This scale ranges from 60 to 100, with 60 as the minimum passing grade. It ensures transparency and fairness in evaluating student performance across different subjects and grade levels.

  4. Non-Numeric Ratings: Aside from numerical grades, the system incorporates non-numeric ratings for certain aspects of learning such as behavior, values, and work habits. These ratings provide a more holistic view of student development and encourage the cultivation of positive learning attitudes.

Implementation Challenges and Benefits


  • Transition Period: The shift to the K to 12 grading system required adjustments from both educators and students, particularly in understanding and applying the new assessment methods.

  • Consistency: Ensuring consistency in grading practices across schools and regions remains a challenge, requiring continuous training and monitoring.


  • Clarity and Transparency: The system provides clear and transparent criteria for assessing student performance, helping students and parents understand academic expectations and areas for improvement.

  • Holistic Development: By incorporating non-academic aspects into assessment, the system promotes the holistic development of students, fostering well-rounded individuals capable of contributing positively to society.


In conclusion, the K to 12 grading system of DepEd represents a significant reform aimed at improving the quality of education in the Philippines. By emphasizing standards-based assessment, comprehensive evaluation, and holistic development, the system seeks to equip learners with the necessary skills and competencies for lifelong success. While challenges in implementation persist, the benefits of a clearer, more holistic approach to grading are poised to positively impact the educational landscape in the years to come.

For more detailed information on the K to 12 grading system, you can refer to the official DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 available here.

Remember, education is the foundation upon which our future society is built, and initiatives like the K to 12 grading system play a crucial role in shaping that future.

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