The Matrix of Documentation for Proficient Teachers: What MOVs to Submit

Ensuring that teachers meet the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) requires proper documentation of their competencies. The Matrix of Documentation for Proficient Teachers provides a guide on what Means of Verification (MOVs) educators must submit to demonstrate their achievements effectively.

MOVs for Classroom Observation-Inclusive (COI) Objectives

For objectives that require direct classroom observation, teachers must submit:

  • Classroom Observation Tool (COT) Rating Sheet

  • Inter-Observer Agreement Forms (for peer validation)

  • Face-to-face or in-person classroom observation records

These documents are essential in assessing a teacher’s instructional strategies and effectiveness in delivering lessons.

MOVs for Non-Classroom Observation-Inclusive (NCOI) Objectives

For objectives that do not require direct classroom observation, teachers need to submit specific MOVs depending on the focus area:

Lesson Planning and Instructional Materials

  • Lesson Plans (DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, etc.)

  • Activity Sheets

These demonstrate the teacher’s ability to prepare structured and effective lessons.

Implementation of Learning Programs

  • Progress Reports, Accomplishment Reports

  • Action Plans and Program Implementation Reports

  • Adaptation and Localization Plans

These MOVs highlight how teachers implement educational programs to enhance student learning.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Communication Letters about school programs

  • Minutes of Meetings and Coaching Sessions

  • Program Reports and Activity Plans

These documents showcase a teacher’s involvement in engaging with the school and community.

Professional Development and Reflection

  • Reflection Notes or Journal Entries

  • Feedback from Peers, Supervisors, or Students

  • Certificates of Recognition or Awards

These MOVs highlight continuous professional growth and self-improvement.

Implementation of School Policies

  • Proof of Participation in School-Community Partnerships

  • Records of Teacher-Parent Conferences on School Policies

  • Documentation of School Policy Implementation

These MOVs demonstrate a teacher’s contribution to school governance and policy execution.

Recognition and Career Advancement

  • Annotated Evidence of Practice (e.g., feedback from peers, supervisors, students)

  • Certificates of Recognition, Awards, or Performance Ratings

  • Recommendation Letters from School Heads or Community Leaders

These documents validate a teacher’s professionalism and impact in the field.

Final Thoughts

Submitting the correct MOVs is crucial for teachers to showcase their competencies and meet professional standards. By preparing and organizing these documents, educators can ensure their growth, recognition, and continuous development in the teaching profession.

Are you preparing your MOVs? Share your experience and tips in the comments!