Sample Short Stories With Critical Questions To Answer

Welcome to a collection of thrilling and suspenseful stories that will keep you guessing until the very end! In "Lost and Found," Rachel finds herself in a strange place with no idea how she got there. Can you help her solve the mystery of what happened to her? In "The Walk Home," Emily tries to shake the feeling that someone is following her as she navigates the streets at night. Will her worst fears come true? And in "Temple of Adventure," Tom embarks on a round-the-world trip, encountering all sorts of challenges and adventures along the way. When he stumbles upon a hidden temple in the mountains of Nepal, he uncovers a secret that changes his life forever. Get ready for an exciting journey through these three captivating stories.

Sample Short Stories or Reading Selection

Lost and Found

It was a dark and stormy night, and Rachel was driving home from work. As she navigated the winding road, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Suddenly, her car skidded on a patch of ice and careened off the road. When she came to, she found herself in a strange place with no idea how she got there.

  1. Where is Rachel? a) She is driving home from work. b) She is in a strange place. c) She is at home.

  2. What is the weather like? a) It is sunny and warm. b) It is dark and stormy. c) It is snowing heavily.

  3. How did Rachel's car end up off the road? a) She was distracted and didn't see the curve in the road. b) She hit a patch of ice and lost control. c) Someone else caused her to crash.

  4. What is Rachel feeling when she is driving? a) She is feeling nervous and anxious. b) She is feeling calm and collected. c) She is feeling excited and happy.

  5. Where is Rachel when she wakes up? a) She is in her car. b) She is in a strange place. c) She is in a hospital.

  6. How does Rachel feel when she wakes up? a) She feels confused and disoriented. b) She feels rested and refreshed. c) She feels scared and alone.

  7. Who is with Rachel when she wakes up? a) No one is with her. b) Her family is with her. c) A group of strangers is with her.

  8. How does Rachel try to figure out where she is? a) She looks for clues in her surroundings. b) She asks the people around her for help. c) She tries to use her phone to call for help.

  9. What is Rachel's main concern? a) She is worried about getting home safely. b) She is worried about being lost and alone. c) She is worried about her car.

  10. How does Rachel eventually find her way home? a) She is rescued by a passing motorist. b) She uses her navigation system to find her way back. c) She follows a group of hikers who know the area.

The Walk Home

Emily was having a tough day at work. She had been working on a project for weeks, and it was finally due the next day. She was feeling stressed and overwhelmed as she left the office, hoping to clear her head on the long walk home.

As she walked, Emily couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following her. She kept turning around, but she never saw anyone. She tried to tell herself that she was just being paranoid, but the feeling persisted.

  1. How does Emily feel when she leaves work? a) She feels relieved and happy. b) She feels stressed and overwhelmed. c) She feels anxious and nervous.

  2. What is Emily trying to do on her walk home? a) She is trying to clear her head. b) She is trying to find a shortcut home. c) She is trying to avoid someone.

  3. How does Emily feel when she thinks someone is following her? a) She feels scared and paranoid. b) She feels confident and unafraid. c) She feels excited and curious.

  4. What does Emily do to try to shake the feeling of being followed? a) She tries to walk faster. b) She tries to find a place to hide. c) She tries to confront the person following her.

  5. How does Emily react when she finally sees the person following her? a) She screams and runs away. b) She approaches them and asks why they're following her. c) She faints from shock.

  6. Who is following Emily? a) A group of teenagers trying to scare her. b) An old friend who wanted to surprise her. c) A stranger with ill intentions.

  7. How does Emily ultimately get home? a) She walks home safely. b) She takes a taxi home. c) She is rescued by a passing police officer.

  8. How does Emily feel when she gets home? a) She feels relieved and grateful. b) She feels angry and frustrated. c) She feels embarrassed and foolish.

  9. What does Emily do when she gets home? a) She takes a long shower to relax. b) She calls a friend to vent about her experience. c) She goes to bed early to get a good night's sleep.

  10. How does Emily's day at work end? a) She finishes her project on time. b) She doesn't finish her project on time. c) She quits her job.

Temple of Adventure

Tom had always dreamed of traveling the world, and he finally saved up enough money to make his dream a reality. He packed his bags and set off on a round-the-world trip, eager to experience all that the world had to offer.

As he traveled from country to country, Tom encountered all sorts of challenges and adventures. One day, while hiking through the mountains in Nepal, he stumbled upon a hidden temple nestled in the cliffs.

  1. Why is Tom traveling the world? a) He is looking for adventure. b) He is running away from something. c) He is fulfilling a lifelong dream.

  2. What does Tom encounter on his travels? a) He encounters all sorts of challenges and adventures. b) He encounters very few challenges and has a smooth trip. c) He encounters mostly negative experiences and regrets his trip.

  3. Where is Tom when he stumbles upon the hidden temple? a) He is in Nepal. b) He is in India. c) He is in China.

  4. What is Tom's initial reaction when he sees the temple? a) He is filled with awe and wonder. b) He is indifferent and uninterested. c) He is scared and runs away.

  5. How does Tom access the temple? a) He climbs a steep path to reach it. b) He finds a hidden door in the cliffs. c) He is guided there by a local.

  6. What does Tom find inside the temple? a) He finds ancient artifacts and treasures. b) He finds nothing of interest. c) He finds a group of thieves trying to steal from the temple.

  7. How does Tom feel when he leaves the temple? a) He feels grateful and humbled. b) He feels disappointed and regretful. c) He feels scared and paranoid.

  8. Does Tom continue his travels? a) Yes, he continues his travels and has many more adventures. b) No, he decides to go home after his experience in the temple. c) No, he gets injured and has to end his trip early.

  9. Does Tom tell anyone about his experience in the temple? a) Yes, he tells all of his friends and family about it. b) No, he keeps it a secret out of fear of being ridiculed. c) No, he is sworn to secrecy by the local who guided him to the temple.

  10. Does Tom's experience in the temple change him in any way? a) Yes, it deepens his appreciation for other cultures and fuels his desire to see more of the world. b) No, he remains the same person he was before his trip. c) Yes, it makes him more fearful and hesitant to try new things.

Answer Key:

Story 1:

  1. b
  2. b
  3. b
  4. a
  5. b
  6. a
  7. a
  8. a
  9. b
  10. a

Story 2:

  1. b
  2. a
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a
  6. c
  7. b
  8. a
  9. a
  10. a

Story 3:

  1. c
  2. a
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a
  6. a
  7. a
  8. a
  9. a
  10. a
Thank you for visiting and reading these three captivating stories! We hope you enjoyed the twists and turns of "Lost and Found," the fear and suspense of "The Walk Home," and the adventures and discoveries of "Temple of Adventure." We hope you'll come back for more exciting and engaging reading selections in the future. Remember, there's always something new and exciting waiting to be discovered, whether it's on the pages of a book or in the world around us. Thank you for joining us on this journey and we can't wait to see where the next one takes us.