Sample Logic-Based Exam: Test Your Reasoning Skills

Sample Logic-Based Exam: Test Your Reasoning Skills

A logic-based exam is a type of test that assesses a person's logical reasoning skills. These exams are designed to evaluate a person's ability to think critically and solve problems using logical reasoning and mathematical principles. They are often used in academic settings, such as in college admissions or as a part of a job application process.

Sample Logic-Based Exam: Test Your Reasoning Skills

One of the key characteristics of a logic-based exam is that it presents the test taker with a set of logical rules or principles and asks them to use these principles to solve a problem or answer a question. The test taker must be able to analyze the problem, identify the relevant principles, and apply them in a logical and systematic way to arrive at a solution.

Here is a sample test to give you an idea of what a logic-based exam might look like:

  1. Which of the following statements is NOT a logical consequence of the statement "All birds can fly"? A) Some birds can fly. B) No birds can fly. C) All animals can fly. D) Some animals can fly.

  2. A group of friends is planning a trip to the beach. There are 3 possible beach destinations to choose from: A, B, and C. The group has decided that they will choose the destination that has the best weather forecast. If the forecast for beach A is good, the group will go to beach A. If the forecast for beach A is not good but the forecast for beach B is good, the group will go to beach B. If the forecast for both beach A and beach B is not good, but the forecast for beach C is good, the group will go to beach C. If the forecast for all three beaches is not good, the group will stay home. Based on this information, which of the following statements is NOT true? A) If the forecast for beach A is not good and the forecast for beach B is not good, the group will go to beach C if the forecast for beach C is good. B) If the forecast for beach A is good, the group will go to beach A. C) If the forecast for beach A is not good and the forecast for beach B is good, the group will go to beach B. D) If the forecast for all three beaches is not good, the group will stay home.

  3. Which of the following statements is NOT logically equivalent to the statement "All dogs are mammals"? A) No dogs are non-mammals. B) Some dogs are mammals. C) All mammals are dogs. D) Some non-mammals are dogs.

  4. A group of friends is going on a hike. They have packed enough food for everyone, but they forgot to bring enough water. They come across a river on their hike and need to decide whether the water is safe to drink. If the water is clear, they will drink it. If the water is not clear, they will check the color of the water. If the water is brown, they will not drink it. If the water is any other color, they will drink it. Based on this information, which of the following statements is NOT true? A) If the water is clear, the group will drink it. B) If the water is brown, the group will not drink it. C) If the water is any other color, the group will drink it. D) If the water is not clear and is any other color, the group will drink it.

  5. Which of the following statements is NOT a logical consequence of the statement "Some cats are not domestic"? A) All cats are domestic. B) No cats are domestic. C) Some cats are domestic. D) All domestic animals are cats.

  6. A group of friends is trying to decide which movie to watch. They have narrowed it down to two options: a horror movie or a romantic comedy. If they can't decide, they will flip a coin. If the coin lands on heads, they will watch the horror movie. If the coin lands on tails, they will watch the romantic comedy. Based on this information, which of the following statements is NOT true? A) If the coin lands on heads, the group will watch the horror movie. B) If the coin lands on tails, the group will watch the romantic comedy. C) If the group can't decide, they will flip a coin. D) If the group can't decide and the coin lands on heads, they will watch the romantic comedy.

  7. Which of the following statements is NOT logically equivalent to the statement "Some dogs are not small"? A) No small animals are dogs. B) All small animals are dogs. C) Some small animals are not dogs. D) Some dogs are small.

  8. A group of friends is trying to decide which restaurant to eat at. They have narrowed it down to three options: a pizza place, a burger joint, or a Mexican restaurant. If they can't decide, they will use the following process: they will eliminate the restaurant that they have eaten at the most in the past month, and then choose between the remaining two options by flipping a coin. If the coin lands on heads, they will choose the first remaining option. If the coin lands on tails, they will choose the second remaining option. Based on this information, which of the following statements is NOT true? A) If the group has eaten at the pizza place the most in the past month, they will eliminate it as an option. B) If the group has eaten at the burger joint the most in the past month, they will eliminate it as an option. C) If the group has eaten at the Mexican restaurant the most in the past month, they will eliminate it as an option. D) If the group has eaten at all three restaurants the same number of times in the past month, they will flip a coin to choose between the remaining two options.

  9. Which of the following statements is NOT a logical consequence of the statement "All birds can fly"? A) Some birds can't fly. B) No birds can fly. C) Some animals can fly. D) Some animals can't fly.
  10. A group of friends is trying to decide which vacation destination to go to. They have narrowed it down to three options: a beach, a mountain resort, or a city. If they can't decide, they will use the following process: they will eliminate the destination that the majority of the group has been to in the past year, and then choose between the remaining two options by flipping a coin. If the coin lands on heads, they will choose the first remaining option. If the coin lands on tails, they will choose the second remaining option. Based on this information, which of the following statements is NOT true? A) If the majority of the group has been to the beach in the past year, they will eliminate it as an option. B) If the majority of the group has been to the mountain resort in the past year, they will eliminate it as an option. C) If the majority of the group has been to the city in the past year, they will eliminate it as an option. D) If the group has been to all three destinations the same number of times in the past year, they will flip a coin to choose between the remaining two options.

Here is the answer key for the sample logic-based exam:

  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D