Singapore's Exceptional Performance in PISA 2022: A Closer Look

Singapore's Exceptional Performance in PISA 2022: A Closer Look

Singapore, a global education powerhouse, participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for the first time in 2009. PISA assesses the knowledge and skills of 15-year-old students in mathematics, reading, and science, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of education systems worldwide. In the most recent PISA 2022, Singapore's performance continues to stand out, showcasing both consistency and improvement over the years.

Singapore's Exceptional Performance in PISA 2022: A Closer Look

Trends in Performance

The PISA 2022 results reveal that Singapore's 15-year-old students exhibited remarkable performance, maintaining high standards in mathematics, reading, and science. The average results for 2022 remained similar to 2018 in mathematics, slightly declined in reading, and improved in science. Notably, Singapore is among the few countries demonstrating consistent improvement over time, a notable achievement given its already high performance in PISA.

Performance Gaps

The PISA data further highlight changes in performance gaps within Singapore. In mathematics, the gap between high and low achievers widened, while it narrowed in reading and remained stable in science. However, compared to 2012, the proportion of students scoring below proficiency levels did not significantly change in mathematics, reading, and science.

International Comparisons

When comparing Singapore's performance with other countries in PISA 2022, the nation excelled across all subjects. Singapore's students scored higher than the OECD average in mathematics, reading, and science. Moreover, a larger proportion of students in Singapore achieved top-level proficiency (Level 5 or 6) in at least one subject compared to the OECD average.

Mathematics Proficiency

In mathematics, 92% of Singaporean students achieved at least Level 2 proficiency, surpassing the OECD average of 69%. Impressively, 41% of students were top performers (Level 5 or 6), demonstrating their ability to model complex situations mathematically and apply problem-solving strategies effectively.

Reading and Science Proficiency

Singaporean students also excelled in reading and science, with 89% and 92% achieving at least Level 2 proficiency, respectively. In reading, 23% of students scored at Level 5 or higher, showcasing their ability to comprehend lengthy texts and distinguish between fact and opinion. In science, 24% of students were top performers (Level 5 or 6), demonstrating creative and autonomous application of scientific knowledge.

Performance Divides

The analysis of performance gaps within Singapore reveals interesting findings. Socio-economic status remains a significant predictor of performance, accounting for 17% of the variation in mathematics scores. While the gap between socio-economic groups remained stable, advantaged students outperformed disadvantaged students by 112 score points in mathematics.

Gender Differences and Immigrant Background

Gender differences in performance were observed, with boys outperforming girls in mathematics and vice versa in reading. The share of immigrant students in Singapore increased to 29% in 2022, with first-generation immigrants demonstrating higher proficiency in both mathematics and reading, even after accounting for socio-economic factors.

School Life in Singapore

Examining students' sense of belonging, 73% felt they belonged at school, while 77% reported making friends easily. However, 19% reported feeling lonely, and 20% felt like outsiders. In mathematics lessons, a significant majority reported teachers' interest and extra help availability. Safety concerns were minimal, with low percentages of students feeling unsafe on their way to school or in classrooms.

Parental Involvement and School Resources

PISA data reflected a decrease in parental involvement in Singapore, with 24% of students in 2022 having parents discuss their progress with teachers on their own initiative, down from 42% in 2018. School resource challenges were noted, with 26% of students in schools reporting hindrance due to a lack of teaching staff.


Singapore's exceptional performance in PISA 2022 underscores the effectiveness of its education system. The nation's ability to consistently improve, maintain high standards, and address performance gaps demonstrates a commitment to providing students with a well-rounded and globally competitive education. The findings from PISA 2022 position Singapore as a model for educational success and offer valuable insights for policymakers and educators worldwide.

Click to see PDF file PISA 2022 Factsheets of Singapore