Download Sample TOS (Table of Specifications) Format

Understanding the Table of Specifications (TOS) for Junior High School

The Table of Specifications (TOS) is an integral part of the educational system, especially in assessing students' learning and understanding.

Download Sample TOS (Table of Specifications) Format

Periodic Summative Examination

The examination is set to assess students' competencies acquired during the every quarter. It employs a multiple-choice format, with each item scoring one point.

Covered Competencies

The TOS outlines seven covered competencies evaluated in the examination. These competencies are assessed based on three levels of difficulty - easy (60%), moderate (30%), and difficult (10%). The total number of test items amounts to any number of items the teacher prefers or specified by the school.

Scoring System

Each item in the multiple-choice assessment type is scored at one point. The distribution of questions is designed to evaluate students’ skills in remembering/understanding, applying/analyzing, and evaluating/creating.

Time Emphasis Formula

The time emphasis percentage is calculated using the formula:

Time Emphasis = (Number of Days Taught / Total Number of Days Taught )(100)

Number of Items per Competency Formula

No. of  Items per Competency = (Time Emphasis %)(Desired Total Number of Items)/100

This systematic approach ensures that each competency is adequately represented in the examination, ensuring a comprehensive assessment.

Approval and Submission

Every TOS is prepared and submitted by a designated teacher and approved for administration by the school principal.

**Note:** A sample test paper should be attached to every TOS for reference purposes.

In conclusion, understanding how to read and interpret a Table Of Specifications can significantly aid teachers in preparing effective examinations that comprehensively assess students’ knowledge and skills across various competency levels.