PRC Issues Comprehensive Guidelines for Upcoming Teacher’s Licensure Exam

PRC Issues Comprehensive Guidelines for Upcoming Teacher’s Licensure Exam

In preparation for the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT) scheduled for March 17, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has released a detailed set of guidelines to assist examinees. The guidelines cover various aspects, from confirming school assignments to the list of items allowed and prohibited during the examination.

PRC Issues Comprehensive Guidelines for Upcoming Teacher’s Licensure Exam

Confirming School Assignments: Examinees are advised to check their school/building assignments ahead of the exam day. This can be done by visiting the PRC’s official website or checking the notices at the PRC premises, typically posted two to three days before the exam.

Reporting Time: The PRC has stressed the importance of punctuality, mandating that candidates report to their designated locations no later than 5:30 a.m. Latecomers will be denied entry.

Dress Code: Candidates are required to dress in a specific manner:

  • Males: Tucked-in white polo shirt with collar (without any seal, logo, or mark).
  • Females: Tucked-in white blouse or shirt with collar (without any seal, logo, or mark). Additionally, examinees must ensure their hair is well-groomed, either clipped or ponytailed.

What to Bring: The PRC has listed essential items to bring on the exam day:

  • Notice of Admission
  • Official Receipt of payment for the exam application
  • One long transparent white plastic envelope
  • One long size brown envelope
  • Two or more pencils (No. 2)
  • A ball pen with black ink only
  • Negative RT-PCR test results, Certificate of Quarantine, or Vaccination Card (if applicable)

Prohibited Items: A strict prohibition is placed on the following items within the exam premises:

  • Books, notes, review materials with coded data/information/formula
  • Calculators with computer-like capabilities, audiovisual features, or internet connectivity
  • Smart watches, cellular phones, ear plugs, transmitters, portable computers, Bluetooth devices, and other electronic gadgets
  • Bags of any kind and other examination aids not specified by the PRC

All personal belongings must be surrendered to the proctor and will be secured within the examination room.

For complete details, candidates are encouraged to review the full March 2024 LEPT General Instruction available on the PRC website.

The PRC’s comprehensive guidelines aim to ensure a smooth and orderly examination process for all teacher aspirants.