Preserving the Chocolate Hills: Proclamation No. 1037 and the Captain’s Peak Resort

Preserving the Chocolate Hills: Proclamation No. 1037 and the Captain’s Peak Resort

A Tale of Conservation and Controversy

The Chocolate Hills of Bohol, Philippines, stand as one of nature’s most enchanting wonders. These mysterious conical hills, resembling chocolate kisses scattered across the landscape, have captivated travelers and locals alike for generations. But behind their beauty lies a story of legal protection, environmental stewardship, and a recent twist involving the Captain’s Peak Resort.

Preserving the Chocolate Hills: Proclamation No. 1037 and the Captain’s Peak Resort

Proclamation No. 1037: A Shield for the Chocolate Hills

On July 1, 1997, then President Fidel V. Ramos issued Proclamation No. 1037, a pivotal moment in the history of the Chocolate Hills. This proclamation designated the hills as a National Geological Monument and a Protected Landscape. Let’s unpack what this means:

  1. Recognition of Uniqueness: Proclamation No. 1037 recognized the unique geological formations of the Chocolate Hills. These hills, formed by the uplift of ancient coral deposits, are unlike anything else on Earth. Their uniformity, numbering over a thousand, creates an otherworldly landscape that has puzzled scientists and inspired poets.

  2. Preserving Natural Wonder: The proclamation aimed to cover this natural wonder for future generations. By declaring the Chocolate Hills a protected area, the government committed to safeguarding their integrity. This wasn’t just about aesthetics; it was about preserving a piece of our planet’s geological heritage.

  3. Balancing Tourism and Conservation: Proclamation No. 1037 struck a delicate balance. It sought to promote sustainable tourism while ensuring the biodiversity and environmental integrity of the area. Visitors could marvel at the hills, but not at the expense of their long-term health.

Captain’s Peak Resort: A Thorn in the Protected Landscape

Fast forward to the present, and the Captain’s Peak Resort has become a viral sensation. Nestled within the vicinity of the Chocolate Hills, this resort has drawn both admiration and criticism. Here’s why:

  1. Operating Within Protected Territory: The resort’s location falls squarely within the boundaries of the Chocolate Hills Complex. Despite the hills’ protected status, Captain’s Peak Resort decided to set up shop there.

  2. Temporary Closure Order (TCO): On September 6, 2023, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued a Temporary Closure Order to Captain’s Peak Resort. The resort had been operating without an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the DENR.

  3. Landowners’ Rights and Restrictions: While landowners’ rights are generally respected, the declaration of an area as a protected landscape can impose restrictions and regulations. Even privately owned lands within the protected area must adhere to environmental guidelines. Captain’s Peak Resort found itself on the wrong side of these regulations.

Senator Nancy Binay’s Dismay

Senator Nancy Binay, chair of the Committee on Tourism, expressed her dismay over the resort’s construction within the protected area. She called for an explanation from concerned government agencies and local government units. Why were permits granted? How did the resort operate without proper authorization? These questions remain unanswered.

Conclusion: A Call for Vigilance

As we admire the Chocolate Hills, let us remember Proclamation No. 1037. It isn’t just ink on paper; it’s a commitment to our natural heritage. Captain’s Peak Resort serves as a cautionary tale—a reminder that even the most enchanting landscapes require vigilant protection. Let us tread lightly, respecting the delicate balance between tourism and conservation, so that generations to come can still marvel at the chocolate-kissed hills of Bohol. 🌿🍫🌄