In the realm of education, teachers play a pivotal role. Their responsibilities extend beyond imparting knowledge; they are also tasked with a variety of assignments that contribute to the overall development of the students and the school. This blog post aims to shed light on these teaching-related assignments and how they are managed.

The Core Mandate of Teachers
The primary focus of teachers is to ensure the holistic development of their students. To keep this focus intact, teachers are assigned specific teaching-related tasks in addition to their ancillary tasks. These assignments are designated to teachers only if developmental programs are included in the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
School Coordinator
Teachers may be assigned as School Coordinators for various areas such as:
- Reading/Literacy and Numeracy: Fostering a strong foundation in reading, writing, and arithmetic.
- Research: Encouraging a culture of inquiry and investigation.
- Special Needs Education (SNED): Catering to students with special needs and ensuring inclusive education.
- Information, Communication, and Technology: Integrating technology into the learning process.
- Guidance and Advocacy: Providing guidance to students and advocating for their needs.
- Inclusive Education: Ensuring that all students, regardless of their abilities, are included in the learning process.
Teachers can also serve as Trainers or Advisers for:
- School Paper: Guiding students in journalism and managing the school paper.
- Sports Development Programs: Nurturing athletic talents and promoting physical fitness.
- Supreme Elementary Learner Government (SELG)/Supreme Secondary Learner Government (SSLG): Mentoring student leaders and overseeing student government activities.
Teachers may also hold Chairmanships at the Grade Level or Learning Area, leading academic planning and implementation at these levels.
Designation of Teaching-Related Assignments
When designating teaching-related assignments, School Heads consider the teachers’ specializations and workloads. Teachers with less than six hours of teaching load are prioritized for these assignments. The guidelines and requirements of existing policies related to these assignments are also taken into account.
The designation of teaching-related assignments is formalized by a designation order from the school head, concurred by the teacher concerned. A list of teachers designated to perform these assignments is prepared and submitted to the Office of the SDS for approval. This list is also kept by the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) for recording, monitoring, and work interfacing purposes. These assignments must be reflected in the electronic School Form 7 (eSF7), which serves as the basis for future management action and decision on workload assignments or requests for additional manpower.
Teachers performing teaching-related assignments, duties, and responsibilities beyond regular work hours, whether within or outside the school premises, are granted with VSC, subject to the guidelines provided herein or as defined by other DepEd issuances.
New teaching-related assignments arising from new programs from higher and within governance levels, whether internal initiatives or resulting from partnerships with stakeholders, are subsumed under the categories mentioned above.
In conclusion, teaching-related assignments play a crucial role in the functioning of a school and the development of its students. By understanding and effectively managing these assignments, we can ensure a conducive learning environment and a brighter future for our students.