Managing Hot Weather in Philippine Public Schools

Staying Cool in School: Managing Hot Weather in Philippine Public Schools

In the Philippines, where many public schools rely on fans rather than air conditioning, managing hot weather becomes a unique challenge. Here are some practical dos and don’ts to help schools cope with the heat:


  • Maximize Ventilation: Position fans to create a cross-breeze and open windows when possible.
  • Encourage Hydration: Provide accessible water stations and remind students to drink water regularly.
  • Adjust Schedules: Hold classes during the cooler parts of the day, if feasible.
  • Promote Heat Safety Education: Teach students about the risks of heat and the importance of staying cool.
  • Utilize Cool Compresses: Apply wet cloths to the neck or forehead to help lower body temperature.


  • Allow Strenuous Activities During Peak Heat: Reschedule sports and outdoor activities to cooler times.
  • Ignore Signs of Heat Illness: Watch for symptoms like dizziness or nausea and act promptly.
  • Skip Breaks: Take regular intervals for rest in shaded areas.
  • Overlook Nearby Facilities: Use community buildings with better cooling for relief on extremely hot days.
  • Neglect Emergency Preparedness: Have a clear plan for heat-related emergencies and ensure everyone is informed.

By following these guidelines, public schools in the Philippines can help ensure that students and staff remain safe and comfortable, even without the luxury of air conditioning.