In the realm of education, the term “teaching overload” often surfaces. It refers to the additional hours that teachers spend in the classroom beyond their prescribed teaching hours. The Department of Education (DepEd) in its Order No. 005, Series 2024, provides a comprehensive guideline on this matter. Let’s delve into the key points of this order.

Defining Teaching Overload
According to the order, any hours spent in actual classroom teaching beyond the standard six hours per day are considered as teaching overload. The accumulated minutes of overload are converted into hours on a weekly basis for the computation of the appropriate overload pay.
Welfare of Teaching Personnel
The order emphasizes the welfare of teaching personnel. It sets a maximum limit of two hours of teaching overload per day, as stipulated under Section 13 of RA No. 4670 and Chapter 6 of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Manual on Position Classification and Compensation.
Eligibility for Overload Pay
As a general rule, only teachers in schools with a teacher shortage, based on enhanced planning parameters, are eligible for teaching overload pay. However, tasks requiring actual classroom teaching duties, whether in-person, distance, or blended, including relieving duties for other teachers, which are beyond the normal teaching hours and affecting vacant periods, are also considered teaching overload. These tasks must satisfy the conditions in Items A.2.1 and A.2.2.
Assignment of Overload
Before assigning a teaching overload, all teachers must render the prescribed number of actual classroom teaching hours. The school head must consider the specialization of teachers when assigning overload.
Contractual Positions and Overload Pay
Teachers holding contractual positions funded by the Local School Board (LSB) are not eligible to receive teaching overload pay. However, the order ensures the protection of their statutory rights by ensuring a fair and equitable distribution of teaching workload.
In conclusion, DepEd Order No. 005, Series 2024, provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and managing teaching overload. It balances the needs of the education system with the welfare of teaching personnel, ensuring a conducive and productive learning environment for all.