Vice President Sara Z. Duterte Visits Pedro D. Duncano National High School

Vice President Sara Z. Duterte Visits Pedro D. Duncano National High School

April 12, 2024 - Vice President and Secretary of the Department of Education, Sara Z. Duterte, visited Pedro D. Duncano National High School in Tiniwisan, Butuan City, yesterday, April 11. The school is among the MATATAG K to 10 Pilot School Implementers.

During her visit, Secretary Duterte toured several classrooms implementing the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum and explained the importance of education. She also encouraged the students to study hard and graduate.

Duterte also spoke with teachers and principals to understand their needs to serve properly and to identify how the Department can further assist the school.

School Visit Highlights

Pedro D. Duncano National High School, located in Tawinis, Butuan City, was one of the schools visited by Duterte. It is a MATATAG K to 10 Pilot School Implementer.

Duterte had promised during the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum Pilot Implementers Summit to visit schools across the Philippines that accepted the challenge to become pilot implementers of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum, responding to the request of teachers.

She visited several classrooms implementing the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum and explained to them the importance of education. She also encouraged them to study hard and graduate because it can change their lives and provide comfort to their families.

Duterte also spoke with teachers and principals to understand their needs to serve properly and to identify what else the Department of Education can do to help their school.

She thanked the dedicated teachers who continue to serve and support Filipino students. As long as there are Filipino children dreaming, they will continue to serve and work for a better future for the youth.

She urged fellow Filipinos to remain steadfast in advocating for a child-friendly nation and patriotic children. Everything they do is for God, the country, and the Filipino family.