Every year, from June 4 to June 10, the Philippines celebrates a week dedicated to one of the world’s most special creatures, the Philippine Eagle. This majestic bird, also known as the monkey-eating eagle, is a critically endangered species found in the forests of the Philippines. With its brown and white-colored plumage, a shaggy crest, and a length ranging from 2.82 to 3.35 feet, this bird is a sight to behold.

History of the Philippine Eagle
The Philippine Eagle was first studied in 1896 by English explorer and naturalist, John Whitehead. He observed the bird alongside his servant and collected the first specimen. After its discovery, the Philippine Eagle was called the ‘monkey-eating eagle’ due to reports that it preyed exclusively on monkeys. However, further studies revealed that the eagle also ate other animals like large snakes, monitor lizards, and some large birds.
The name ‘Philippine Eagle’ was officially given to the animal by presidential proclamation in 1978 and it was declared a national emblem in 1995. In terms of length and wing surface, the Philippine eagle is considered the largest of the extant eagle species.
The Plight of the Philippine Eagle
The Philippine eagle is now endangered due to hunting and the loss of its habitat due to deforestation. To combat this, the Philippines government banned the killing of the Philippine eagle and it is punishable by 12 years imprisonment and heavy fines. Not just the Philippines, but the world at large should join together to preserve the Philippine eagle for future generations.
Philippine Eagle Week 2024
The year 2024 marks the 25th year since the Philippine Eagle Week was promulgated via Presidential Decree No. 615. This week rekindles our commitment to protect and conserve a national treasure, a Filipino nation’s gift to humankind, the Great Philippine eagle.
The theme for the 25th Philippine Eagle Week is “Unity in Action: Achieving success together”. It signifies strength, obstinacy, and greatness. As an apex predator, the proud and mighty Philippine eagle continues to soar amidst the threats it is facing that are caused by humans.
The Philippine Eagle Week is a time for us to reflect on the importance of preserving our natural heritage and to take action to protect this magnificent creature. Let us all unite in action and work together to ensure the survival of the Philippine eagle for future generations. Remember, our success is also the Philippine eagle’s success.