Learner Information System (LIS) End of School Year (EOSY) 2023-2024 Updating

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Republic of the Philippines has issued a memorandum dated 08 April 2024, outlining the crucial process of updating the Learner Information System (LIS) at the end of the school year (EOSY) for 2023-2024.

Importance of EOSY Updating

The EOSY updating in the LIS is a critical data collection activity that is annually undertaken by all schools offering basic education nationwide. This process is in accordance with DepEd Order No. 27, s. 2019, titled: Guidelines on the Yearly Collection of Data/Information Requirements and Validation Processes.

The data collected and generated during this updating process are essential for tracking the academic performance and promotional status of learners. It also aids in computing relevant performance indicators.

EOSY Updating Timeline

All private schools and State/Local Universities and Colleges (SUCS/LUCS) offering basic education are guided that the EOSY Updating facility will be opened from 08 April 2024 to 28 July 2024. Public elementary and secondary schools may start once the promotional status and other necessary data for the EOSY updating are already available within the said timelines. This is done without compromising the one-month non-negotiable vacation of teachers.

Ensuring Data Quality

All public and private schools, including SUCS/LUCS, are reminded to ensure that the data reported in the EOSY updating are correct and accurate. This is to maintain data quality and minimize data issues.

Contact Information

For any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Service through their email address: ps.emisd@deped.gov.ph.

In conclusion, the EOSY updating in the LIS is a significant process that plays a vital role in the educational system. It ensures that accurate and up-to-date information about learners’ academic performance and promotional status is available, thereby aiding in the effective planning and implementation of educational policies and programs.

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