Scoring Criteria for Editorial Writing at NSPC 2024

The Editorial Writing contest at the 2024 NSPC evaluates the ability of campus journalists to express informed opinions on relevant issues. Let’s break down the scoring criteria:

1. Form and Style (40%)

  • Lead Paragraph: The lead should contain a news peg and clearly state the writer’s general stand on the issue.
  • Fact-Based Arguments: Present arguments grounded in facts.
  • Citing Sources: Cite sources to enhance the credibility of raised arguments.
  • Thought-Provoking Title: Use a strong and thought-provoking title that captures readers’ attention.
  • Logical Reasoning: Demonstrate logical reasoning throughout the editorial.
  • Grammar and Syntax: Adhere to rules of grammar and syntax.
  • Transitions: Use transitions effectively.
  • Gender Fair Language: Ensure language is inclusive and avoids gender bias.

2. Content (50%)

  • General Stand in the Lead: Clearly present the writer’s stance in the opening paragraph.
  • Utilize Factual Information: Draw from interviews, document reviews, data analyses, and other reliable sources.
  • Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding: Reflect evidence of understanding of the issue.
  • Clarity and Influence: Achieve clarity in conveying the message and aim to influence public opinion.
  • Logical Support for Arguments: Arguments presented in the body should logically support the writer’s stand.

3. Ethics (10%)

  • Original Works: Showcase your own original work.
  • Citation and Attribution: Properly cite information and attribute facts to their sources.
  • Journalistic Standards: Maintain fairness, relevance, accuracy, and balance.
  • Avoid Plagiarism and Libel: Ensure content is free from potentially libelous or obscene material, plagiarism, and copyright violations.

Remember, editorial writing is a powerful tool to express informed opinions and contribute to public discourse. Best of luck to all participants!