Scoring Criteria for Sports Writing at NSPC 2024

The Sports Writing contest at the 2024 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) challenges campus journalists to capture the excitement and drama of sporting events. Let’s break down the scoring criteria:

1. Form and Style (40%)

a. Appropriate Form and Style

  • Contestants should use a suitable form and style for sports reporting.
  • The tone should match the intensity and significance of the game.

b. Sports Terms and Lingo

  • Utilize sports-specific terminology to highlight the game’s importance.
  • Familiarity with sports jargon enhances the quality of the article.

c. Descriptive Language

  • Provide vivid descriptions, colorful allusions, and figures of speech to bring the players and the event to life.
  • Engage readers by painting a clear picture of the action.

d. Statistics

  • Skillfully incorporate relevant statistics to create a visual narrative.
  • Numbers should enhance the reader’s understanding of the game.

e. Attractive Headline

  • Craft a compelling headline that encapsulates the essence of what transpired during the event.
  • A well-chosen title draws readers in.

f. Grammar and Syntax

  • Adhere to the rules of grammar and maintain syntactical clarity.
  • Clean writing enhances readability.

g. Unity and Coherence

  • Ensure that the article flows logically and maintains coherence.
  • Unity in presenting details contributes to a well-structured piece.

h. Gender Fair Language

  • Use inclusive language that avoids gender bias.

2. Content (50%)

a. Clear Event Description

  • Present a vivid and accurate account of the game.
  • Describe key moments, turning points, and standout performances.

b. Sports News Reporting Style

  • Employ an appropriate style for sports reporting.
  • Capture the excitement, drama, and emotions associated with the event.

c. Utilize Interviews, Statistics, and References

  • Draw from interviews with players, coaches, and officials.
  • Incorporate relevant statistics and research to enhance credibility.

3. Ethics (10%)

a. Original Work

  • Showcase your own original writing.
  • Avoid plagiarism and present unique insights.

b. Proper Citation and Attribution

  • Attribute information to its sources.
  • Cite facts accurately.

c. Journalistic Standards

  • Maintain fairness, relevance, accuracy, and balance.
  • Uphold the principles of responsible journalism.

Remember, sports writing is about more than just scores; it’s about capturing the spirit of competition and celebrating athletic achievements. Best of luck to all participants! 🏆📝🎉