The Department of Education (DepEd) has recently announced the conduct of the End-of-School-Year (EOSY) Rites for Kindergarten, Grade 6, Grade 10, and Grade 12, as well as Alternative Learning System (ALS) learners who have satisfactorily met the curriculum requirements at the end of SY 2023-2024.

A Simple but Meaningful Celebration
In line with the provisions stipulated in DO 009, s. 2023, the Updated Implementing Guidelines on the Annual Conduct of the K to 12 Basic Education Program End-of-School Year Rites, the Graduation and Moving-Up Ceremonies are expected to be simple but meaningful. These rites mark a significant milestone in the lives of the learners. However, they should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire, or extraordinary venues.
No Non-Academic Projects as Graduation Requirements
Non-academic projects, as articulated in DO 66, s. 2017, such as attendance at field trips, film showings, the Junior-Senior Promenade, and other school events, shall not be imposed as graduation or completion requirements. This ensures that the focus remains on the academic achievements of the students.
No Collection of Fees for the Ceremony
For public schools, expenses relative to the activity shall be charged to the school’s Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), subject to existing guidelines. Importantly, no DepEd personnel shall be allowed to collect any kind of contribution or fee for the Graduation/Moving-Up Ceremony.
Safety and Protection of Learners and Attendees
To ensure the safety and protection of learners, teachers, and attendees, schools are advised to hold their EOSY Rites in indoor venues with proper ventilation or covered courts. This is to avoid exposure to the extreme heat of the sun. Schools are also advised to avoid scheduling their EOSY Rites during the time of the day when temperatures are at their highest.
For further inquiries or clarification, please contact the Bureau of Learning Delivery, 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or at telephone numbers (02) 8637-4346 and (02) 8537-4347.
The immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. Let’s celebrate the achievements of our learners in a simple, meaningful, and safe manner.