Streamlining RPMS: A Look at Executive Order No. 61

This blog post dives into Executive Order No. 61, signed by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on June 3, 2024. The order aims to streamline and improve the Results-Based Performance Management System (RBPMS) and Performance-Based Incentive (PBI) System currently used in the Philippine government.

What were the problems with the RBPMS and PBI System?

The Executive Order identifies several issues with the existing systems:

  • Duplication and Redundancy: The RBPMS and PBI System overlapped with existing performance evaluation processes.
  • Burdensome Processes: The systems, along with issuances from the IATF, were deemed overly complex and time-consuming for government agencies.
  • Lack of Review: The Order highlights the absence of a mechanism to review and update the RBPMS and PBI System, leading to an accumulation of potentially outdated regulations.

What are the goals of Executive Order No. 61?

The order outlines several key objectives:

  • Streamline and Harmonize: The RBPMS and PBI System will be simplified and better integrated with existing government initiatives focused on ease of doing business.
  • Improve Efficiency: The goal is to create a more responsive and efficient system for evaluating government performance and awarding incentives.
  • Align with Development Goals: The reformed system will be aligned with the Philippine Development Plan and the government's Socioeconomic Agenda.

How will the reforms be implemented?

The Executive Order establishes a Technical Working Group (TWG) composed of representatives from various government agencies. This group will be responsible for:

  • Studying and reviewing the RBPMS and PBI System.
  • Developing a new system that addresses the identified problems.
  • Consulting with relevant stakeholders, including the private sector.

The TWG has six months to submit a comprehensive report with recommendations and a transition plan for the 2023 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB).

What does this mean for the Philippine government?

This Executive Order signifies the government's intent to improve efficiency and effectiveness in performance evaluation and incentive programs. By streamlining the systems and aligning them with broader development goals, the Philippines aims to create a more responsive and competent bureaucracy.