DBM Releases Guidelines for LGSF-Green Green Green Program Funds

July 15, 2024 - The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced the release of Local Budget Circular No. 158 on July 11, 2024. This circular outlines the guidelines for the use of funds allocated under the Local Government Support Fund (LGSF) - Green Green Green Program within the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 General Appropriations Act (GAA) signed as Republic Act No. 11975.

The LGSF-Green Green Green Program aims to improve public spaces and promote active transportation options in Philippine localities. According to Special Provision No. 3 of the LGSF under the FY 2024 GAA, the allocated funds will exclusively support projects for:

  • Construction, repair, or improvement of green open spaces including public parks and plazas, nature parks, family/recreational parks, arboretums, and botanical gardens.
  • Infrastructure for active mobility such as designated bicycle lanes, bike racks, elevated or at-grade pedestrian paths and walkways, sports facilities, and recreational trails.

This program is expected to enhance the well-being of Filipinos by providing them with better access to green spaces and encouraging a more active lifestyle. The DBM circular ensures proper utilization of these funds by mandating compliance with government procurement requirements and project implementation guidelines as outlined in Section 29 of the General Provisions of the FY 2024 GAA.