Heads Up! Reporting Regional Enrollment for School Year 2024-2025

The Department of Education (DepEd) is gearing up for the new school year, and that includes gathering important data on student enrollment. This blog post will guide you through the process of reporting regional enrollment for School Year 2024-2025.

Why is Enrollment Data Important?

Knowing the number of students enrolled in schools helps DepEd plan effectively. This data ensures there are enough resources like teachers and classrooms to accommodate everyone. It's also used for official reports released to the media.

Who Needs to Report Enrollment?

  • Regional Directors: You'll be responsible for reporting the total enrollment for your region.
  • Schools Division Superintendents: You'll collect enrollment data from all public and private schools, as well as State/Local Universities and Colleges (SUCS/LUCS) offering basic education programs within your jurisdiction.
  • School Heads (Public, Private, SUCS/LUCS): You'll report your school's enrollment data to your respective Schools Division Superintendent.
  • Philippine Schools Overseas (PSOs): You'll submit your enrollment data directly to the Private Education Office (PEO).

Important Dates and Deadlines:

  • July 3-26, 2024: This is the window for all schools (public, private, SUCS/LUCS) and PSOs to report their enrollment data.
  • July 22-26, 2024: Regional Directors will submit their consolidated regional enrollment data during this period.

How to Report Enrollment:

  • Schools Division Superintendents: You'll need to create a separate data collection platform or link for schools within your region to submit their enrollment data.
  • Schools (Public, Private, SUCS/LUCS): Report your enrollment data through the platform or link provided by your Schools Division Superintendent. PSOs will report directly to the PEO.
  • A centralized template will be provided by DepEd's Planning Service - Education Management Information System Division (PS-EMISD) for Regional Directors to submit their consolidated data. You can access this template through https://bit.ly/EnrollmentDataTemplate.

Please Note:

  • Learner profile updates and enrollment will still occur through the Learner Information System - Beginning of School Year (LIS-BOSY) 2024-2025 encoding. Specific dates for LIS-BOSY will be announced in a separate DepEd memo.
  • Only authorized personnel from DepEd will have access to edit and generate data from the centralized link.

Need More Information?

For any questions regarding the enrollment reporting process, you can contact PS-EMISD at (02) 8635-3958/8635-3986 or email ps.emisd@deped.gov.ph.

By working together, we can ensure a smooth start to the upcoming school year!