The Department of Education (DepEd) has issued Order No. 020, Series of 2024, which outlines the processes for the initial evaluation of applicants for teaching and non-teaching positions. This guide focuses on Section C: "Initial Evaluation of the Qualifications of Applicants," providing a detailed breakdown of key provisions and their implications for Human Resource Management Officers (HRMOs) and applicants.

Qualification Standards (QS) and Initial Evaluation
1. Ensuring Alignment with CSC-Approved Standards
Upon receiving applications, the HRMO evaluates the applicants’ qualifications based on the Civil Service Commission (CSC)-approved Qualification Standards (QS). This process involves assessing whether applicants meet the minimum requirements in the following areas:
Competency (if applicable)
2. Performance Requirements
Internal Applicants:
A minimum performance rating of Very Satisfactory (VS) in the most recent complete performance cycle (one year) is mandatory.
For positions like Teacher II to Master Teacher V, applicants must meet the performance requirements based on Classroom Observable Indicators (COIs) and Non-Classroom Observable Indicators (NCOIs). These are specified by the number of proficient, highly proficient, or distinguished COIs/NCOIs at either Very Satisfactory or Outstanding levels.
External and Non-Teacher Applicants:
External candidates must demonstrate consistent Very Satisfactory ratings over one to three preceding performance cycles, depending on the position.
For positions like Teacher II, SNET II, or Master Teacher I, at least VS performance ratings from the most recent one to three cycles are required.
3. Illustrative Examples of Performance Assessment
Example 1:
Date of Assessment: August 2, 2025
Position Applied For: Master Teacher I
Performance Requirements:
21 Proficient COIs at Outstanding
8 Proficient NCOIs at VS and 8 at Outstanding
Supporting Documents: IPCRFs from the last three school years (SY 2024-2025, SY 2023-2024, and SY 2022-2023).
Example 2:
Date of Assessment: August 2, 2025
Position Applied For: Teacher III
Performance Requirements:
12 Proficient COIs at VS
8 Proficient NCOIs at VS
Supporting Documents: IPCRFs from SY 2024-2025 and SY 2023-2024.
Evaluation Results and Communication
1. Initial Evaluation Results (IER)
The HRMO compiles an Initial Evaluation Results (IER) document, detailing the applicants’:
Basic qualifications and credentials
Compliance with CSC-approved QS and performance requirements
Classification as either Qualified (Q) or Disqualified (DQ)
The HRMO submits the IER to the HRMPSB for deliberation and posts it in conspicuous locations while ensuring compliance with the Data Privacy Act (RA No. 10173).
2. Notification of Applicants
Qualified Applicants: Receive a Letter to Qualified Applicants (Annex E-1).
Disqualified Applicants: Receive a Letter to Disqualified Applicants (Annex F-1).
Official communication channels include email, postal mail, courier service, and verifiable electronic platforms.
HRMO Accountability and Sub-Committees
1. Consultation with HRMPSB
In exceptional cases, the HRMO may seek advice from the HRMPSB on:
Relevance of education, training, or experience
Special cases requiring collegial decisions
2. Designation of Sub-Committees
The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) may designate sub-committees at the district or Schools Division Office (SDO) levels to assist in evaluations. However, the HRMO retains full accountability for final evaluation results.
DepEd Order No. 020, Series of 2024, sets a comprehensive framework for the fair and consistent evaluation of applicants. By adhering to these guidelines, the HRMO ensures transparency, compliance with CSC standards, and alignment with DepEd’s mission to uphold meritocracy in hiring processes. Applicants are encouraged to prepare their credentials and performance records meticulously to meet the outlined requirements.